International Trainings
Visited USAK University, USAK Turkey in April 2019 to participate in the International Week as Focal Person for International Linkages. This elite international academic event at USAK-Turkey was participated by the teams from fifteen countries including Russia, Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Tunisia, Romania and Pakistan. The two most important programs at this event were Erasmus Mendes Plus and Mevlana Exchange Program.
Attended meeting on the invitation of European Research Council at Aix Marsille University, Marsille France in January 2017 to discuss the project awarded by the funding agency.
Training on University Intellectual property, Innovation, Protection & Commercialization held in Washington DC, USA October 04-14, 2016.
Won Australia Awards Scholarship in 2015 for Short Course on “Business Incubator Management” held at University of Queensland, Australia from November 09-December 11, 2015.
Training on “Advance Management of Research in Higher Education Institutions at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand funded by World Bank” from December 01-05, 2014.
Training on “Managing and Facilitating Research in Educational Institutions” at different leading universities of Australia funded by TESP of World Bank” from December 06-12, 2014.

Visited USAK University, USAK Turkey in April 2019 to participate in the International Week as Focal Person for International Linkages. This elite international academic event at USAK-Turkey was participated by the teams from fifteen countries including Russia, Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Tunisia, Romania and Pakistan. The two most important programs at this event were Erasmus Mendes Plus and Mevlana Exchange Program. |
Attended meeting on the invitation of European Research Council at Aix Marsille University, Marsille France in January 2017 to discuss the project awarded by the funding agency. |
Training on University Intellectual property, Innovation, Protection & Commercialization held in Washington DC, USA October 04-14, 2016. |
Won Australia Awards Scholarship in 2015 for Short Course on “Business Incubator Management” held at University of Queensland, Australia from November 09-December 11, 2015. |
Training on “Advance Management of Research in Higher Education Institutions at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand funded by World Bank” from December 01-05, 2014. |
Training on “Managing and Facilitating Research in Educational Institutions” at different leading universities of Australia funded by TESP of World Bank” from December 06-12, 2014. |